Mohammed, Sahar and their 4 year old daughter Tala are raising funds to evacuate. Mohammed has a severe leg injury after an air strike and needs mecial care outside of Gaza.
Family of 6, mother and father are injured in the leg, sister is injured and her fingers do not move easily due to a direct injury to the artery and nerves.
URGENT: Family of 4, raising to evacuate. Parents have high blood pressure and diabetes, sister needs treatment for vitiligo that has been stopped due to difficulty of accesssing treatment.
Aya lives in Egypt and is trying to get her family of 17 evacuated from Gaza in hope that she can get them to safety and reunite with them. Father has health issues.
Family of 8 raising funds to evacuate. Emad's father have a painful stomach condition which needs surgery and other chronic conditions that he can't get medication for in Gaza. Emad's oldest daughter has had a heart condition since birth that requires regular monitoring which is not possible in Gaza.